Best weekend ever

Last weekend proved to be pretty good for me despite going through a week from hell. It seemed as though I was under attack from all sides last week. I decided that my Good Judy Malibu and I needed to link up and have our ritualistic tea/coffee date. On said dates we get together at our favorite coffee shop, stake out the best seating option and spend close to two hours talking about anything from sex to love to religion politics and entrepreneurial endeavors. I live for these moments where I can talk to my bitch Mal and she can get me clear the fuck together It was at the coffee shop where Malibu reminded me that she and our mutual friend Rian and their friend Erin were throwing what was shaping up to be an epic house party. Now I prefer house parties to clubs simply because the setting makes for perfect random chats with fun people who will hopefully have something of substance to say. We cackled like a couple of old biddies about the excitement to come; talked about what we would wear and so on. Then another friend hit me up on Thursday asking if I were down for an adventure Saturday morning. I was so she pitched the idea of hiking. Again: I had a rough week so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to clear my mind. So there it was, I had my Saturday booked solid with two vastly different arrangements Saturday morning came and I was stoked. We set out for our hike and it was beautiful. We accidentally picked the roughest trail but it made for some amazing views. My clumsy ass fell, in a damn river we read our favorite short stories saw pastel butterflies and neon spiders it was awesome. Saturday night came…. Oh it came! The party was coined “Le Trap Essex” presented by a lovely trifecta that goes by “5th gear” and it was visited by all sapphic walks of life even Little Miss Serendipity graced the scene. It was a byob party (of course there was an abundance of tacky queens who brought one 2 buck chuck bottle for 5 people) but the liquor was endless and there was a plethora of females ranging from earthy soul sistahs to “thots” (oooh I loathe that word). The turn up was so through. Dj JuJu was the guest DJ and I was British for the night. It was epic…. The last guest didn’t leave until 5ish. And Erin Chuck and I went to Waffle House. Of course I woke up hungover so I cooked my “hang over over burger” when I finally peeled myself from the bed for brunch. For dinner I had oxtails and fried green tomatoes. All homemade by me This past weekend was stupendous. It had all my favorite things… Nature, liquor, ladies and great food! Feelings best expressed!!